Software engineer volunteer opportunities 2024

Software engineer volunteer opportunities 2024

Software engineer volunteer opportunities 2024

One of the most popular posts I’ve ever written on this blog was a list of volunteer opportunities I wrote for software engineers in 2020. I feel we’re long overdue for an updated list.

If you know of another opportunity, feel free to comment!

Create your opportunity

  • Reach out to an organization that you are interested in – You are only limited by your imagination and free time. Is there an organization or cause you care about? They might be open to some help.
  • Meetup – There are so many different coding clubs these days and many of them are focused on teaching, mentoring, or coding in the community. Do a search!
  • Open Source – There are so many open-source projects out there. Choose a project that seems interesting to you or create your own! Below are some links to help you find open-source projects.


  • Coder Dojo – Help kids learn programming. Serve as a mentor or start a coder dojo where you live.
  • TEALS – Teach kids, sponsored by Microsoft.
  • Code Your Feature – Teach refugees, asylum seekers, and other disadvantaged people how to code.
  • – Teach women and underrepresented minorities during the “Hour of Code” event.
  • Girls Who Code – Empower, support, and teach women how to code.
  • Mother Coders – Present, code review, mentor, and teach other mothers.
  • Code the Dream – Teach, mentor, and review coding assignments to help immigrants and communities of color get into the programming profession.
  • Code your Dreams – Help youth and adults from diverse backgrounds enter tech careers.
  • Code your future – Help disadvantaged adults find meaningful work.
  • CodePath  – Teach and mentor.
  • Coder Dojo – Volunteer-led, community-based computer club for young people.

Write code for non-profits

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